Vincent Enso
Owner/Art Director
Loving father to my Son
Tattooer of 15+ years
Student of the Dharma and cultivator of compassion.
Visual representations created in time and space with love and intention
May you be Happy
May you be Healthy
May you be Protected
May you experience Peace and Joy

Morgan Dotson Owner/Social Media Coordinator

Morgan Dotson Owner/Social Media Coordinator
A traveler along the path that has lost his need to work for himself. Everything he hopes to do is with the aspiration to help the WHOLE of US as a population. He operates under the Intention of lessening suffering, in any avenue , with any medium that is at his disposal.
A practicing Buddhist since 2015, an understander of all paths. Some of his role models are Ram Dass, The Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh. He hopes that he can leave behind even a percentage of what those three were able to leave behind before he passes on.
Art is an avenue he has settled into , to help raise his message and awareness. He is forever grateful for the artists he has the blessing to work alongside. He could not achieve his message without them.
Student, Teacher, Great Friend, Protector, Mentor, HUMAN.
May you become free from your suffering
So that you may find the light that resides within your own unique example and karma
& May that light shine forth to help others free themselves from suffering